www.ortrucking.orgIssue 4 | 2016
taxes. With one additional Democrat, Senator Johnson will be
able to affect the outcome on policy bills as well. With her
increased influence in the Senate, she may very well be able to
affect real change. Fortunately, Senator Johnson’s
principles are well aligned with those of the
trucking industry.
Less fortunately, the numbers did not
change in the Oregon House. We will
still have 35 Democrats and 25
Republicans. The Democrats
remain one vote short of the
number needed to raise taxes.
Assuming the House Republican
Caucus maintains unity, they will
have more bargaining power, in
part, because of the change in
numbers in the Senate. The Senate
will act as a backstop for the House.
The balance of power should also shift if
the Democrats begin to accept the message
sent by the voters in electing President Elect Trump.
Only eight of Oregon’s 36 counties voted for Clinton. Yes, she
won the popular vote. We are still a blue state. However, the
turnout in the 28 counties that voted for Trump exceeded
expectations. Although not as pronounced, the revolution has
arrived in Oregon as well.
As I said earlier, I still don’t yet know what all this
means for Oregon or our industry. Will there be
a transportation funding package in 2017? I
really don’t know. What I do know is that
it will require significant Republican
support if we do. With the demise of
Measure 97, the Democrats will
likely continue to focus on raising
new general fund revenue.
However, I do think things will
generally be better in Salem.
Business will get a fairer shake—
particularly small businesses like
most of you. It is still going to take a
lot of hard work on our part to
succeed. OTA is sponsoring a Trucking
Day at the Capitol on February 22. You will
have the opportunity to meet with many of our
legislators throughout the day. It will give you an
opportunity to tell your story as well as take the pulse of the
legislature yourself. I strongly encourage you to join us. By then,
what all this means should be infinitely more clear.