2017 Southern
Oregon OTA Mixer
anuary 26, 2017 marked the fourth annual Southern Oregon
OTA Mixer at Seven Feathers Casino and Resort with total
attendees exceeding 135 people! As always, the event was
beneficial for both allied and carrier members as a place to network
with one other. The event started with cocktail hour, followed by a
full dinner. Jana Jarvis, OTA President, acknowledged the first year
NW Fleet Safety Program participants and provided a legislative
overview for the upcoming session. Guest speaker this year, Bob
Costello, Economist for American Trucking Associations, Inc.
presented very informative economic predictions for the trucking
world. As a continued tradition, attendees were invited to show
their best “poker face” in our Truck PAC poker tournament. Jerri
Ayres with Gene Whitaker Inc. had the winning hand.
Congratulations! OTA would like to give a shoutout to Ireland
Brothers, Thomas & Sons Dist., Inc., Combined Transport, and
A&M Transport, Inc. who graciously purchased one or more tables
for their employees and/or guests. We also want to recognize Andy
Owens Jr. with A&M Transport, Inc. for launching the event four
years ago and for his continued effort of keeping the event growing
through the years. And, of course, thank you to Freightliner
Northwest, Thomas & Sons Dist., Inc., Oregon Pacific Bank,
PayneWest Insurance, Propel Insurance, and EROAD for
sponsoring this event!
We’ll see you and your team in 2018! Next year’s event is on
the books for January 25.
Thank you to our Sponsors!