www.ortrucking.orgIssue 1 | 2017
APRIL 2017
14 TMC Maintenance Fair
Holiday Inn, Portland, OR
15 TMC SuperTech Competition
Holiday Inn, Portland, OR
20-21 Safety Conference
Holiday Inn, Springfield, OR
JUNE 2017
24 Truck Driving Championship (TDC)
Portland, OR
JULY 2017
25 Truck PAC Golf Tournament
Langdon Farms Golf Club, Aurora, OR
14-15 OTA 66th Annual Leadership Convention
Salishan Resort, Gleneden Beach, OR
leverage your input to help promote our
advocacy needs. Watch for details as we
roll this out in the coming weeks. The
Oregon Trucking Association is as strong
as our members make it—so please help
us make this tool work for our industry!
There is a lot going on at OTA and we
hope that you will decide to take
advantage of the variety of learning and
networking opportunities coming up in
the next few weeks. Our TMC
Maintenance & Education Fair and
SuperTech competition will once again be
held at the Airport Holiday Inn in
Portland on April 14 and 15. This is a great
event for the technicians in our industry to
stay abreast of new technologies and to
compete against each other. State finalists
will head to the national competition in
Orlando, Florida this September. Not all
state trucking associations offer this
training or the competition so take
advantage of this opportunity!
Closely following these events is the Spring
Safety Conference held at the Springfield
Holiday Inn April 20–21. The Safety
Management Council has a great program
for you and registrations are pouring in, so
plan on joining us there. We will be
presenting our annual safety awards at this
event along with recognition for our
inaugural class of the Northwest Fleet
Safety Certification program. And…you
will have the opportunity to meet OTA’s
new Safety Director who will be replacing
the irreplaceable John Sallak. It’s a “can’t
miss” event!
And don’t forget—OTA’s Truck Driving
Championship will be held again at
FedEx’s Swan Island terminal on June 24!
We have lots of events…and lots of
opportunities for you to get and stay
engaged with your industry. So please…
show up and participate!
key decision makers in Oregon’s trucking industry are looking.
Your ad needs to be here.
Where are you?
Advertise in OTA’s
The Dispatch
Contact David Gambill at 503-445-2231 or
[email protected].
Island terminal on June 24!