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Issue 1 | 2017

able to reach a compromise on this issue by the constitutionally

required date of adjournment of July 10, 2017. If this occurs, it

will require one or more special sessions to put together

a deal. The Republicans relish the idea of a special

session because they will be able to say that

the Democrats failed to provide sufficient

leadership to get the job done during the

regular session. Of course, the

Democrat’s dream is to get the

Republicans to vote in favor of a tax

increase, which they will use against

them during the 2018 campaigns.

There are other big issues facing this

legislature, not the least of which is

transportation funding. As I have

described in the

OTA Weekly Express,


Joint Committee on Transportation

Modernization and Preservation has broken

up into five work groups that are meeting twice a

week. The work groups are scheduled to meet

through the middle of March when the committee as a whole

will begin to develop a transportation funding package. This has

been a laborious and slow process. I’m not sure where it is headed

or whether or not it will be successful.

The conventional wisdom is that if the Legislature is able to

balance the budget, during the session, with some sort of a tax

increase, transportation will get left in the ditch. This

is based on the theory that the Legislature will

only vote once to increase taxes. However, if

the Legislature kicks the can down the

road to a special session to deal with

the budget, then it is possible that a

last-minute deal on transportation

can be put together.

I have been providing weekly

updates in the

OTA Weekly Express

about all things legislative. Of

course, this is the place to find the

timeliest information about what is

happening in Salem. In addition, our

legislative tracking list is posted on OTA’s

website, in the members only section,

under Government Affairs. You can click on

the blue bill numbers to actually see a copy of the

bills in their current form. If you have any questions, please

give either Jana or me a call. Stay tuned; this session is going to

be a doozy.