www.ortrucking.orgIssue 1 | 2017
Trade and trucking are synonymous, and the increased
movement of freight yields more good paying jobs and
growth in American companies. We want to help the
Administration and Congress build a trade framework that
helps grow our economy, including the trucking industry.
Since 1995, the value of goods traveling between the US
and Canada has risen dramatically—nearly 168% to $712
billion, supporting thousands of jobs in the trucking
industry. For US trade with Mexico, trucks move 83% of
the trade between the two countries, in all making 5.5
million crossings in 2015. We will work to support any
trade policies that help grow good paying American jobs
and the trucking industry.
What is one thing ATA plans to accomplish
by the end of this year?
Looking at our advocacy efforts, we are striving to
secure relief from the proliferation of state meal and
rest break rules that threaten our industry. Led by
California, states have eroded the single, national standard
for hours-of-service that our drivers depend on. We are
advocating that Congress assert its authority and clarify
that federal law is supreme when it comes to interstate
Is there anything else you’d like to mention
about your vision for the ATA?
My vision for the ATA is to build on the success we
have had over the years, effectively tell our story of
delivering 70% of the nation’s freight to every city and
town across the country, and to put some significant wins
on the board for this industry.
We noticed ATA has created a lot of videos
and statistical promotional pieces that
focus on the “image of trucking” and
educating the public. Are there other ways
ATA plans to bring positive attention to the
industry, and are there any specific ways
motor carriers can help?
We need to effectively and impactfully tell our story.
ATA and the trucking industry are in a unique
position. We employ 7.3 million people—people in every
congressional district, people that move the majority of
Since 1995, the value of goods traveling between the U.S. and Canada has risen dramatically—
nearly 168% to $712 billion, supporting thousands of jobs in the trucking industry.