Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc.
Oregon Truck Dispatch
Joshua Boes
Real estate
www.joshboes.com facebook.com/joshuaboesrealestateour freight, delivering essential goods to stores and hospitals. By having such
tremendous reach, we are in a position to highlight the important role we play,
the businesses we support, and the lives we touch.
If you could offer one piece of advice to any trucking
company, from owner/operator to large corporation, what
would it be?
Commit to safety and quality. There is nothing our industry benefits from
more than from carriers being safe and professional. Every crash, every
issue on the road, is often attached to our industry, and if we can improve
safety on the road, it will help us achieve the industry’s advocacy goals.
I would also urge members of the industry to get involved. Get involved with
your state association, with ATA, engage with your state representatives and
your congressmen and senators. Take your seat at the table. Tell our story. Tell
your story.
If you could drive a truck across the country with anyone,
dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Willie Nelson. I grew up listening to his music. He’s one of the greatest
songwriters and country music artists ever in my opinion, and I think
his songs tell amazing stories, which is why I enjoy listening to his music
when driving.
Q&A with Chris Spear, cont.