Oregon is a National Leader in
Long Term Care Services and Supports
Oregon continues to be a national leader in long term care innovation and
services. Oregon ranks at the top in overall system performance as well as
in specific areas of service. Some key highlights about Oregon include:
Oregon ranked #1 in the nation in
successful transfers from skilled
nursing facilities back to their
homes and to the community
Oregon ranked #3
in the nation
by AARP for
long term care
Oregonians 65+ are ranked 2nd
lowest in the nation in key indicators
of inactivity and rank 6th highest
in terms of overall health status
Oregon invests more in home and
community-based services as a
percentage of long term care service
spending than any other state
Oregon has the lowest nursing
facility utilization rate
in the
nation and ranks 3rd in nursing
facility hospitalization rate
Oregon community-based care staff,
including memory care, provide 51
minutes more of direct resident care
than their counterparts nationally