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Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc.

Oregon Truck Dispatch




Bart Sherman

OTA Chair


our association kicked off the New

Year with two grass root events. The

first was our annual Southern

Oregon mixer at the Seven Feathers Casino

Resort. For the past several years, OTA

members in the area have taken this

opportunity to catch up with colleagues, as

well as invite non-members and customers to

join them for the evening and learn more

about what OTA has to offer. Attendees

received an economic update from ATA’s

chief economist Bob Costello. I thought his

report was spot on and it will be interesting

to see what the rest of 2017 has in store for

those of us in trucking. I’d like to thank our

association’s staff and Andy Owens Jr. of

A&M Transport for planning this event and

giving our members in southern Oregon the

chance to pull together.

Our second event of the year was Trucking Day

at the Capitol. This event was the brainchild of

OTA President Jana Jarvis, and this was the first

time such an event was held. The primary

purpose of Trucking Day at the Capitol was to

inundate Salem and the Capitol mall with

trucking professionals. Those in attendance

were true ambassadors for the trucking

industry, meeting with as many of our

legislators as possible; explaining our position

on current and potential legislation and the

effect those measures would have on our

companies. We first had the opportunity to

meet as a group to receive information on the

key issues and to go over talking points that

groups used when meeting with individual

legislators. The day came to a close with a

casual reception for legislators, their staff and

all OTA attendees.

Personally, I think one of the greatest values of

Trucking Day at the Capitol was to connect

people with their legislators and make them

feel comfortable in an environment that most

of us do not encounter every day, or even every

year. While legislators are elected to serve the

people of Oregon, any sort of interaction with

them often seems unattainable. Many of us

wouldn’t know where to begin if we had an

issue we wanted our legislators to address.

Throughout the day, I heard from a number of

association members in attendance, who, while

this was their first time taking part in such an

event, by the end of the day felt comfortable

enough to do it again. They were excited to

represent our industry and would welcome the

chance to be part of an even stronger trucking

presence in the future. The overall buzz around

the Capitol was that the trucking industry was

there in full force and was firmly united behind

the issues that will impact how we do business

in Oregon.

Events like Trucking Day at the Capitol give us

the confidence to feel just as comfortable

setting a meeting with a legislator to discuss an

important industry issue as we do driving

Oregon highways and byways.

There are a number of things that you as an

OTA member can do throughout the year that

can be just as, or even more, impactful than

attending one of the events mentioned above.

Join a committee. Recruit a new member.

Sponsor an event. Sign up yourself or an

employee for our safety certification or

management training programs. OTA is your

association. Trucking is your industry. Take

advantage of the opportunities presented to get

involved, and ensure that trucking continues to

have a loud voice and a strong presence. 

Events like Trucking Day at the Capitol give us the

confidence to feel just as comfortable setting a meeting

with a legislator to discuss an important industry issue

as we do driving Oregon highways and byways.