www.ortrucking.orgIssue 1 | 2017
2017 SMC
2017 Oregon Legislature Bills Affecting Trucking
WC Law & Claims Update
DATA Q in Real Life
FMCSA- What Round?
Preparing DQ Þles for Audit
ELD, E, F, Gee….
New D&A Clearinghouse
K-9 Presentation: Narcotics Detection
2017 Oregon Legislature Bills Affecting Trucking
New OSHA Federal Retaliation Laws
Accident & Injury Prevention Through Behavior ModiÞcation
Prevention and Intervention: Combating Human TrafÞcking Through the Trucking Industry
. . . And More!
www.ortrucking.org/eventsApril 20-21st
Holiday Inn - Springfield, OR
Join other safety professionals for our annual spring event!
You’ll hear presentations from a team of safety experts and
have an opportunity to meet with allied members. Whether
you are a new to the industry or a safety expert, you’ll be
sure to learn something new and network with others in the
trucking industry. Here’s what to expect:
Visit our
allied member