Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc.
Oregon Truck Dispatch
In 1972, Andy’s father—Andy Owens, Sr.—started what would become A & M Transport, with
his first truck. A & M Transport officially came into being on March 3, 1989, founded by Andy
and Marian Owens. Located in Glendale, Oregon, the company is owned and managed by the
Owens family and now proudly employs three generations of family members. Operations
Manager Andy Owens started his career in trucking by working in the shop, alongside his dad.
A & M Transport now boasts a full maintenance shop with 19 employees, a paint booth and a
team of other employees to keep their 160 trucks maintained and in peak condition.
The Owens family is the driving force behind A & M Transport. Andy, Sr., is CEO and
his wife Marian is secretary/treasurer. Together they have served on the ATA hours-
of-service committee (Andy, Sr.) and the Oregon Traffic Safety Council (Marian). Son
Andy is Chief Operations Officer and his wife Kathy oversees the accounts receivables
department for the company. Two of Andy and Kathy’s children are actively involved at
Andy Owens
Operations Manager,
A & M Transport
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