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Issue 1, 2016


phone, letter, or in-person visits.

Growing our grassroots capability

is one of my goals for the upcoming

transportation funding discussion in

2017. Stay tuned…!

We are also increasing our

educational offerings through our

SMC/TMC and class structure.

With safety as a primary goal of our

industry, OTA needs to take the lead

in promoting what our members

are doing on the safety front. From

technological advancements aimed at

improving safety to front-line driver

training, our industry is intimately

involved in improving safety on our

nation’s roads and we need to get

this message out to the public. It will

enhance our public image, which in

turn will help on a variety of issues

ranging from driver shortages to

funding transportation investments!

Additionally we are looking to

partner with a number of allied

members to bring products and

services to you that provide

additional value to your membership.


Calendar of Events

April 21–22

SMC Safety Conference

May 26–28

National Truck Show

June 3

TMC Maintenance Fair

June 4

TMC SuperTech Competition

June 11

Truck Driving Championships (TDC)

July 19

Jack Stewart Truck PAC Golf Tournament

Sept 23–24

Leadership Convention

From driver wellness programs to an

OTA sponsored 401K program for

your company, we have been talking

to a number of providers over the

past several months. Look for details

through the

OTA Weekly Express



Executive Exchange

; several of

these new programs will be rolling

out over the next few months.

Our event calendar is nearly com-

plete and you should expect some

top-notch training and network-

ing opportunities in the coming

months. Last week we hosted the

Southern Oregon Mixer

at Seven

Feathers with over 100 attendees—a

great event enjoyed by all! This year

we will return to separate events

with the

Spring Safety Conference

in Springfield in April

and the

Leadership Convention at Eagle


in September. Members of our

new Allied Committee have offered

ideas for growing participation in

all of our events so I look forward to

seeing you there!

And finally, it goes without saying

that none of this happens without

a great staff at OTA. I have already

mentioned the fine work that Bob

Russell and John Sallak do on our

behalf. I am also grateful for the

above-and-beyond help of Christine

Logue and Glenda Ekblad. Christine

has taken on the newly defined role

as Director of Member Benefits

to oversee all of OTA’s non-dues

revenue programs, including events.

Glenda as our Director of Accounting

oversees our financial activity and is

expanding her role in the permitting

process. I do have a couple of other

positions to fill and will keep you

posted as we bring new talent to the


It has been an exciting 11 months

working on your behalf! I look

forward to the coming year and want

to thank you for all of your support

as we move forward.