www.ORtrucking.orgIssue 1, 2016
OTA Chair
Happy New Year! It seems like the holiday season flew by,
and now it is time to turn our focus to 2016.
Our final board meeting of 2015 was held in
December at the Pacific NW Truck Museum
in Brooks, followed by OTA’s holiday event
for members. Both were well attended and
everyone had a fun time viewing all the old
trucks and listening to people talk about both
the fleets and individuals that contributed
to the history of the trucking industry in
Oregon. There are many trucking pioneers
in our past whose dedication helped build
the industry into what it is today. Their
commitment and active involvement is
something that we can admire and emulate
as the industry and OTA continue to move
Speaking of those actively involved, we
have several new board members and
a new committee to announce for 2016.
David Brailler
, who chairs the Government
Affairs Committee, now has a seat on the
board, as does
Steve Bates
, who is the chair
of the Highway Policy Committee. Those
committees had board positions but were
removed several years ago. In the reverse of
Mandy Graham
sits on the board as an
allied member, but did not have a committee
to chair until now. Several allied members
met before our December board meeting—at
Jana’s request—to give OTA some feedback
on how allied members can help promote
our goals. The feedback was so helpful and
constructive that we decided to start an allied
committee. Allied committee members will
be appointed later this year.
Charlie Every
was also appointed to represent the Central
Oregon region and Mike Vallery was
appointed to represent TMC.
Please welcome our new board and
committee members and thank them (and
all of our board/committee members) for
their time and efforts on our behalf. OTA’s
momentum comes from those who volunteer
their time and expertise to help guide the
industry and organization through the
changes and challenges that our industry is
constantly facing.
Of course, not everyone can serve on a
committee or be a board member. Luckily,
there are several other ways for OTA
members to get involved. It can be as simple
as attending an event or sending employees to
a training class. You can make a donation to
the Oregon Truck PAC fund to help support
OTA’s ongoing fight to bring trucking’s
interests directly to key decision makers.
Check out OTA’s website for more ideas on
how to get involved.
As we get ready to launch into a fresh new
year, I would like to thank all the OTA staff
for their hard work during 2015. With the
legislature in full session and with some staff
changes, as we say at Sherman Bros., the OTA
staff all “pulled together.” A special thank
you goes out to John Sallak and Bob Russell
for their continued long term support of our
association. Thanks guys!
I am writing this letter to you as I head down
to the Southern Oregon OTA Mixer, now in
its third year. I’d like to thank
Andy Owens,
with A & M Transport, who is also our ATA
board member, for organizing such a great
event. As you can see Andy’s organization
and ATA are highlighted in the current
. I’m sad to say that I did not win at
the Seven Feathers craps tables, but I truly
enjoyed my time meeting with all of this
year’s attendees!
Please welcome our new board and
committee members and thank them (and
all of our board committee members) for
their time and efforts on our behalf.
OTA’s momentum comes from those who
volunteer their time and expertise to
help guide the industry and organization
through the changes and challenges that
our industry is constantly facing.