www.ORtrucking.orgIssue 1, 2016
and offering competitive salaries
and benefits.
“With three generations of my own
family working in the company, we
look at all of our employees as part
of the A & M family,” Andy shared,
“We want to foster a family-friendly
workplace and we make every
attempt to ensure our drivers can
get home on weekends.”
Even with challenges like the driver
shortage, Andy finds working
in the trucking industry very
rewarding and it provides the
opportunity to work with a number
of great people. His advice for
anyone starting in the industry is
to really think about the realities of
trucking: operating 24/7, 365 days
a year; low profit margins, and the
number of rules and regulations
that dictate how a trucking
company operates.
Being quite familiar with all of
those rules and regulations, Andy
understands the importance
of advocating on behalf of the
trucking industry and currently
serves as OTA’s Vice President
on the American Trucking
Associations Board of Directors.
Andy is committed to supporting
the industry and being actively
involved in shaping trucking’s
future. He believes in combining
resources and connecting with
other industry professionals to
serve the industry as a whole. He is
also the mastermind behind OTA’s
annual Southern Oregon Mixer,
which is held in January at the
Seven Feathers Casino Resort.
A&M Transport is proud to be a family-owned and family-run company.
Three generations are pictured above.