The Oregon Surveyor
Vol. 40, No. 1
veryday PLSO members strive to enhance our
profession and association image. We know you’re
busy and appreciate your investment of five minutes
to recognize someone who has inspired you through
their service to our great organization.
On the back of this form are award categories. Thank
you for your help in honoring the people who elevate
our association.
Name of Nominee
Tony Brooks, Oregon PLS No. 2736
Reason to recognize this individual
Tony has been an active member of PLSO for
many years. He has supported the organization in
numerous activities from Pioneer Chapter officer to
annual conference committee member to his most
recent endeavor of being a champion of the PLSO
outreach program.
Tony has Associate Degrees in Civil Engineering
Technology (1987) and Drafting Technology (1990),
both from Linn-Benton Community College. He
has also attained a GIS Certificate from Clackamas
Community College.
He began his surveying career in 1987 working for
CH2M HILL in Portland Oregon. He started out as
a rod person and worked up through the different
levels to managing the Land Surveying group. He
supervised nine surveyors and was able to work on
many large, exciting projects in Oregon, the Pacific
Northwest, across the United States and even some
international projects using some of the latest
surveying tools.
Beginning in 2009, Tony served on the PLSO Annual
Conference Committee for four years. He willingly
took on the onerous duty of committee budget
guru. His expertise in spreadsheet design kept the
committee apprised of all of the various budget items
associated with a conference.
In 2012, Tony took a big step in opening his own
business. Ag Geospatial NW, LLC. He saw a need to
use his expertise in an area that he knew was going
to be the future in surveying. The company provides
Land Surveying and GIS support for rural properties,
farms and ranches in the northern Willamette Valley.
His expertise is in boundary surveys, property line
adjustments, partitions, construction staking, FEMA
elevation certificates and more. Precision agriculture
is about whole farm management with the goal
of optimizing returns on inputs while preserving
resources. It relies on new technologies like satellite
imagery, information technology, and geospatial
Tony’s most recent contribution to the surveying
profession is his non-stop support to the PLSO
Outreach Program. For the past two years, he has
done a yeoman’s job of organizing and attending
several outreach programs. He has presented or
recruited the TrigStar competition and College
& Career Days at North Marion and Molalla High
Schools; Willamette Promise at Yamhill-Carlton,
Central, Sprague, Stayton, and Gervais high schools;
and also procured some surveying equipment for
use at some of the schools. He has touched the
lives of many students and presented them with
an opportunity to become knowledgeable of the
surveying profession.
He and his wife Kim met at the 1988 Pendleton
Round-Up. She is his best friend and partner in all
that he does. They have two children and reside on a
small ranch just outside of Molalla, OR.
Submitted by:
Tim Kent, PLS
Gary Anderson, PLS
Greg Crites, PLS
Gary Johnston, PLS
Pat Gaylord, PLS
John Thatcher, PLS
of the
Year 2016
Tony Brooks, PLS