New Mexico Dental Journal, Summer 2016
NM Board of Dental Health Care Report
By Charles M. Schumacher, DDS
—Chair New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care
1. New Rules passed
in the last year:
a. For those entering a residency program, easier
requirements for documentation of graduation
for applying for temporary licensure
b. Disallowing general anesthetic agents for
sedation by Conscious Sedation II permit
c. Disallowing the use of general anesthetic agents
by MDs or CRNAs in dental offices with CS II
d. Allowing Dental Anesthesiologists (those that
have completed an accredited post-doctoral
training program) to attain Deep Sedation/
General Anesthesia permits
e. Temporary permits for sedation will expire
automatically if the applicant fails the
examination administered by the anesthesia
f. Further defining guidelines for font size in print
media advertising
g. Clarification of rules for local anesthesia
administration by RDHs
h. Clarification of rules for required documentation
of EFDAs
2. Proposed Rules but
no action taken:
a. Mobile/Portable Dental Units—currently
there are no definitive rules as such, just
implied responsibility for any licensee in
these settings. The Board is concerned about
record-keeping, parental consents, access
to follow-up care after treatment, who owns
and operates these units, and where these
entities are providing dental care. Arizona has
specific rules and guidelines, and the Board
is considering adopting similar language.
b. Additional Anesthesia Guidelines—our rules
are closely tied to language and definitions
as outlined by the ADA. The Board is awaiting
proposals that most likely will be voted upon
during the ADA HOD in October. Our rules
now allow temporary permits for sedation
permits, and the Anesthesia Committee has
difficulty doing site inspections and exams,
especially in more rural areas, due to the
increase in those applying for sedation permits.
So, those with temporary permits are doing
sedations for sometimes several months before
final approvals. The Board has concerns about
this. Rules will need further development on this
issue, as well as new definitions for sedation
levels, specific rules for CRNAs in the dental
office, CE, and airway management training.
It would be nice if the NMDA could sponsor
an annual Sim-Man or airway training course.
Dr. Gherardi, Dr. Balderamos, and I are working
closely with Dr. John Mitchell and the Anesthesia
Committee in sharing their concerns with the
Board, and together, our goal is to further
develop a comprehensive set of guidelines and
rules for the safety of our dental patients.