NMMonitored Treatment Program
he New Mexico Monitored Treat-
ment Program was established
to confidentially assist health
professionals who have problems that
can cause or contribute to impairment
(including substance related disorders,
psychiatric problems, behavioral prob-
lems, physical disabilities and others).
Participation in MTP is either by
referral from a third party referent, such
as a licensing board or employer or by
individual self-referral. MTP provides
services to both voluntary and manda-
tory participants. The program provides
individual treatment planning and moni-
toring. The monitoring provides the
MTP participant with documentation of
participation and progress that can be
used to support licensure, credentialing,
mal-practice insurance and other areas
of personal and professional needs. As a
continuing care program that provides
a unique understanding of the personal
and professional issues that impact
recovery, MTP utilizes referral sources
who can help the participant deal with
those specific areas. MTP believes that
professional treatment is essential to the
success of professional recovery because
of the ability to address issues unique to
the professional. MTP staff have exper-
tise and by training and experience in
addictions, mental illness, behavioral
issues, monitoring and are knowledge-
able about health professional and
employment settings. MTP maintains a
Physician Medical Director and Medical
Review Office (MRO), a Licensed Clini-
cian and a PhD level Executive Director.
By Andrea P. Newman PhD LMFT LADAC—Executive Director
Specialists Currently
Accepting Referrals
The following specialists are
here to care for your patients.
Call 800-647-1511 to be
included in our next issue.