New Mexico Dental Journal - page 33

NM Community College, and the use of
silver nitrate in the prevention of cavities.
The NMDSC continues to provide
technica l a s si st ance for net work
providers. Areas of assistance have
included posting and filling vacancies,
applying for the NM Health Care
Practitioner Tax Credit program, and
answering questions regarding the NM
Board of Dental Health Care.
The NMDSC maintains its communi-
cation and information dissemination
network of dental educators working
in the UNM residency program, dental
hygiene programs and dental assisting
programs, and updates it routinely.
Like the providers, educators are noti-
fied of pertinent information related to
dental education; they also receive the
NMPCA/NMDSC monthly newsletter.
Dur i ng t he annua l NM Dent a l
Hygienist Association Scientific Session,
the NMDSC holds a meeting for the
network dental educators. Because
dental educators have expressed interest
in aligning dental programs, bridging
gaps, and speaking with one voice, topics
of discussion have included updates on
institutions, accreditation, and scope of
practice. Educators meet via conference
calls as needed.
The NMDSC Coordinator also serves
as the NM Head Start Dental Hygienist
Liaison (HSDHL). In 2011, HSDHLs
were appointed in every state to serve as
communication links between Head Start
networks and activities, and the National
Center on Health’s (NCH) Oral Health
Project. In addition to acting as a point of
contact to assist Head Start Grantees and
share information, the HSDHL interacts
with the state Dental Director and the
Head Start State Collaboration Director
in efforts to improve the oral health of
children enrolled in Early Head Start/
Head Start (EHS/HS). Her HSDHL
activities include: disseminating monthly
“Brush Up on Oral Health Newsletters”
and other NCH resources to EHS/HS
Health Coordinators and Directors;
visiting EHS/HS sites for oral health
training and technical assistance; serving
on the NMHead Start Association Board
of Directors, the Youth Development
Inc. and Isleta Pueblo Head Start Health
Advisor y Committees; and linking
children to a dental home. The recent
New Mexico Head Start Collaboration
Needs Assessment Survey results show
dental health is the biggest obstacle
facing EHS/HS.
Providers are needed throughout the
state. If you are interested in becoming
a dental home for EHS/HS children
or would like more information, please
contact Carol Hanson at
or 505-222-8685.
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