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Issue 3, Summer 2016


scenarios, there will be a significant budget deficit. Legislative

Fiscal estimates that it will be around $750 million per year or

$1.5 billion per biennial budget cycle. The Democrats

certainly do not favor sufficient budget reductions necessary

to address the problem. You may have heard Governor

Brown say that we have a revenue problem. Of course, this

means an increase in taxes, and businesses will most likely be

the target.

The Democrats have already indicated that they want to pass

a Transportation Funding Package early in the 2017 session.

If they pickup sufficient seats in the House, they won’t need

any Republican votes to pass a tax increase. It appears their

strategy is to pass the Transportation Funding Package and

then balance the budget with a tax increase on business.

Under this scenario, I don’t think we will like either the

Transportation Funding Package or the business tax, as many

of our issues, including the Low Carbon Fuel Standard, will

not be addressed. It will also be likely that the transportation

tax increase will be more than we can bear; the Speaker has

said that she wants a billion dollars per year for

transportation. This would require close to a 100% increase

in the weight mile tax plus some sort of business tax increase.

The Republicans have said that they do not support this

approach. They want to deal with transportation funding at

the end of the 2017 session so that a transportation tax

increase and a business tax increase can be considered

together. This works if the Republicans don’t lose any seats in


Transportation Funding

the House. However, when confronted with two potential tax

increases, it is likely that the Democrats will kick the

Transportation Funding Package to the curb and focus on

balancing the budget. The reason this is a likely result is that

the Democrats will not want to give the Republicans the

leverage they would have if both tax bills were to move

forward close to the mandatory date for adjournment. The

Legislature must balance the budget. They do not have to

fund transportation.

The other possible scenario is that the Republicans actually

pickup seats in the House. They then would have the leverage

to insist upon passage of a Transportation Funding Package,

that we might like, and balance cuts with increased revenues

to address the budget problem. The challenge is that business

is going to have to fund somewhere in the neighborhood of

$20 million just to defeat M97 and an additional amount to

fund the House Republican campaigns at a sufficient level to

actually take back seats. This is a lot of money and more than

business has spent in any previous election cycle.

Sorry, but none of this sounds particularly good. As an

industry, we can sit on the sidelines and wait to see what

happens. However, I don’t think you will like the result. If

there ever was a time when you need to look at an investment

in politics, as an investment in your business, now is that

time. Please, consider an investment in Truck PAC and M97.

You can contact either Jana or me for more information or

help in making your contribution.