Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc.
Oregon Truck Dispatch
Maintenance Fair
Maintenance managers, technicians,
and other trucking industry carrier
members attended OTA’s annual
Maintenance Fair held at the Holiday
Inn, Portland Airport, OR on Friday,
June 3. Various public speakers
presented on topics including
reasonable suspicion, technician
liability and responsibility, automated
transmissions, contemporary vehicle
alignment, vehicle maintenance, and
other safety and technical subjects,
including a closing Q & A discussion.
Based on feedback from last year’s
event, OTA’s allied partner vendors got
a chance to connect with carrier
members with a “vendor fair” during
the lunch break, and this new format
was well received by all attendees. The
maintenance fair is a great learning
and networking opportunity for both
novice and experienced personnel in
the trucking industry.
On Saturday, also at the Holiday Inn,
professional and student diesel
technicians got a chance to show off
their skills during SuperTech. The state
competition required a high level of
concentration as contestants moved
station to station to test their
knowledge with a written technical
exam portion and test their capabilities
with a series of practical application
hands-on tests. While judges calculated
scores, Garret Funk with JOST
enouraged the technicians to compete
one-on-one for the “5th Wheel Fastest
Hands” challenge to win additional
prizes. The winning professional tech,
Kelly Myers of Wal-Mart
Transportation, took home $1,000 and
the top student, Alexander Schmidt of
Portland Community College, was
awarded $250. Congratulations! Both
will represent Oregon at the national
TMC SuperTech competition in
September 2016 held in Raleigh, NC.
Visit OTA’s YouTube page to
watch the highlights from this
year’s SuperTech!
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Mark your calendar for the
next Maintenance Fair &
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