Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc.
Oregon Truck Dispatch
Truck PAC Golf Tournament
for yet another year
to host OTA’s annual Oregon Truck PAC Golf Tournament. Over 90
golfers joined either individually or part of a team early Tuesday
morning, July 19, 2016 to play a full 18-hole tournament on the
beautiful course in Aurora, OR. Golfers were able to enjoy one of the
cooler days in Oregon’s typically hot summer, socialize with teammates
and table sponsors, and challenge other teams with their impressive
swings. Many tried their luck with the “Chipping in the Pond Challenge”
near the OTA booth. Many participated, a few were even within an inch,
but unfortunately none were precise enough to hit the target.
Congratulations to the teams that received top scores! Who will step up
to the tee next year? As one of our top Oregon Truck PAC fundraisers
and one of the more relaxed OTA events, we can hardly wait to find out.
OTA would like to thank all the participants, volunteers, and sponsors
for donating and helping raise money for the PAC.
to the top scoring teams!
Blake Baklund
Joe Couey
Evan Friese
Gary Gustafson
sponsored by KPD Insurance
Scott Haskin
Norm Hightower
Nick Jensen
Mike Stastny
sponsored by Voluntary
Insurance Professionals, LLC