The Oregon Surveyor
Vol. 40, No. 2
Chairman Comments continued
By Aimee McAuliffe, PLSO Exec. Secretary
From the PLSO Office
From the PLSO Office
pulled chains, took field notes, manually reduced
the data, and plotted the results on grid paper.
Every survey was hand drafted. Today everything is
automated, field to finish. While it has allowed for
a great increase in productivity it requires that we
know, understand, and keep up with software. These
programs control our field equipment, CAD systems
and how we communicate. It always seems like just
about the time you master a program a new and of
course improved version comes out that takes away
the functionality it previously had. Keeping up with
these changes is a never-ending task.
This is by no means a complete list of capabilities or
relationships needed to remain successful. The point
of my ramblings is that it doesn’t matter whether you
work in the public or private sector or work for a large
firm or are a one-man operation. To be professional
many associations and skills need to be acquired.
These tools add value to the services we provide. The
full employment of these additional skillsets needs to
be communicated to our clients, fellow professionals
and the public. I believe our perceived value has a
direct correlation to how we are viewed as profes-
sionals. In other words, the more value we provide,
the more highly we are regarded as professionals.
taring at a blank page to write this column can be
daunting. Asking someone to take a moment to
read your words is an implied agreement that you
won’t waste their time. However, much like everything
else, what one person finds valuable, another could
email you explaining why you were way off the
mark. It is the same for a state-wide professional
association like PLSO. Finding value for everyone is
tricky business. If you offer a little bit of everything
for everyone, you risk diluting other really valuable
benefits. So, where does the line get drawn? The first
step is asking the people that have a hand in drawing
Each March, I begin to reflect on how the current
membership year has gone and what challenges
arose that I’d like PLSO to address in the upcoming
year. The Oregon Legislature is currently in session
with a number of bills that Darell Fuller, our PLSO
lobbyist, is watching. Some of which, if passed, could
bring about change that we need to be ready for (for
more detail, please go to
plso.org/LegislativeCommin the Members Only section of the website). The
Board of Directors and a number of the chapters
have been part of discussions regarding the need for
an updated strategic marketing plan and rebranding.
PLSO scholarships are being awarded and volunteers
are donating their time at career fairs around the
state. The Conference Committee has already started
discussions for educational seminar topics for the
next Annual Conference (January 17–19, 2017 in
Salem). We are running full steam ahead.
It’s hard to believe that member renewals will begin
for the 2017–2018 membership year, which as a
reminder, runs July 1–June 30.
Much like that blank page that
stares back at me, challenging
me to fill it, the upcoming
membership year is open for
change, waiting to see where it
can go to support the PLSO membership. So, I’d like
to ask you how PLSO can be a partner in your career?
A survey has been emailed out that I would like your
feedback. It contains just seven questions:
What do you believe is the primary function
of PLSO?
What are the top three challenges you are facing
as a surveyor right now?
If you could change one professional aspect about
this year, what would it be?
How do you see PLSO playing a role in assisting
with these challenges?
How do you prefer to learn new information?
Do you intend to renew your membership?
If not, what could we offer you that would get you
to change that decision?
Answering these questions will give PLSO a unique
insight into where we can fit into creating a rewarding
professional career environment. If you haven’t done
so already, no need to search for the emailed link.
You may respond to the questions by going to
www.surveymonkey.com/r/TKSJN7P.Thank you in advance for assisting us in keeping PLSO
on track!