Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc.
Oregon Truck Dispatch
2017 Oregon GOSH Awards
n March 8, OTA and other organizations
throughout Oregon were invited to attend the
2017 Oregon Governor’s Occupational Safety
and Health (GOSH) Conference at the Oregon
Convention Center in Portland. This is the largest
safety and health conference in the Northwest and one
of the largest in the United States.
The conference included over 150
workshops and sessions, exhibits and
a GOSH Awards luncheon to honor
organizations and individuals who
make extraordinary contributions to
workplace safety and health. During
this year’s event, OTA was named the
winner in the Association category.
We would also like to congratulate one of our
members, Lisa Simmons with Omega Morgan, Inc.,
for receiving the Safety Health Professional Award!
GOSH, which presents these awards every two years,
recognized OTA for our dedication to promoting
safety through our communication platforms and
programs/classes. Safety is at the core of every
successful trucking and transportation business and
must be considered in all aspects of operation. In the
last year, our association launched the Northwest
Fleet Safety Certification and received a grant from
OSHA to run safety classes across Oregon. These two
programs and our ability to deliver services targeted
at both small businesses and larger fleet carriers were
key factors in winning the GOSH award. We are
grateful to John Sallak, OTA Safety & Compliance
Consultant, for helping develop and teach the classes
as well as Christine Logue, OTA Director of Member
Benefits, for helping launch and execute the programs.
Thank you to all our board members for their support
and to our members who actively participate in our
events and help drive safety on the roads and in the
workplace. OTA remains committed to expanding
the knowledge base for our members and offering
new training opportunities in the future.