Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc.
Oregon Truck Dispatch
OTA News
Impact Management
Do you or your management
team need some training?
OTA has partnered with Impact Training Solutions
to bring you a year-long program to take your
leadership team to the next level. Industry expert
and founder of Impact, Kelly Anderson, will be
teaching interpersonal and administrative skills in
four quarterly group and monthly one-on-one
coaching sessions. You’ll learn basics of
management, keys to effective leadership,
personality types, communication techniques,
stress management, creating accountability,
prioritizing, total implementation, and more.
Classes will be held at the OTA office conference
room and will start January 25, perfect for your
New Year resolutions!
Find registration
information on
our events page
www.ortrucking.org/events.OSHA App
Coming Soon…
In October, OTA launched a series of free trucking
related OSHA Awareness classes across Oregon.
The Portland class had such a high demand that we
added two more classes in December to
accommodate the influx of requests! For those
who couldn’t attend, OTA is also developing a free
downloadable app in conjunction with the
program, and it will be available to the public.
Keep an eye out for an announcement in our
Express Newsletter and website.
OTA’s Makeover
Photo Contest
A few months ago we requested professional camera
grade, truck-related photos from our members for
canvas prints in our freshly painted office. We
would like to thank everyone for their submissions,
but would like to specifically recognize Kristine
Kennedy of Highway Heavy Hauling as the winner
of our photo contest. She will receive a $50 gift card,
and her photo, “A Gorgeous Day to be Hauling” will
be printed on a 20x30 canvas to hang in our office.
Although the contest is over, we are always looking
for great new and antique photos to display in our
office and on our online and printed platforms.
Please reach out to the OTA team with your ideas
(space may be limited).
4th Annual Southern
Oregon OTA Mixer
Seven Feathers Casino Resort
Canyonville, OR
January 26, 2017 from 6–8:30 pm
If you haven’t had time to network in 2016, start
early in 2017! Join the OTA staff, carrier and allied
members, and prospective members for an evening
of socializing, dinner, a silent auction, and
presentations. Don’t forget to purchase a Truck PAC
Poker PAC for your chance to win $250! This is a
great way to get to know others in the industry, gain
some knowledge, and start getting involved.
Pre-register at
The order of the TDC
winners was
alphabetized in error on
page 18 of the OTA
Summer issue of
For the
corrected version, go to
Don’t forget to order
your annual over-
dimensional permits!