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Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc.

Oregon Truck Dispatch

Bill Graves

ATA President & CEO


another year is behind

us and 2016 will be here in a few days. We’ve had

a very busy and successful year and I want to

thank each and every one of you for all you do

for the American Trucking Associations and the

trucking industry. Without your involvement,

experience and support, ATA would not be the

strong organization it is today.

We started 2015 with a list of legislative and

regulatory priorities and began advocating on

your behalf. Never before has ATA pursued as

broad and significant a policy agenda as we did

this year. Over 30 state trucking associations

participated in the ATA Call on Washington

program and ATA’s political action committee

TruckPAC raised over $1 million dollars.

Trucking’s voice was heard and we had one of

the most productive years in ATA history.

On the legislative front, President Obama signed

into law a five-year highway funding bill that

included reforms to the CSA program, allowance

for hair testing for drug screening, the creation

of a new, $11 billion highway freight bottlenecks

program, language to inhibit the expansion of

tolling on existing interstate highways and a

pilot program for younger Veterans. As a result

of the new law, FMCSA has already removed

CSA data from public display while necessary

and appropriate changes are being made.

In addition, the President signed funding

legislation that continues the suspension of the

onerous Hours-of-Service restart provisions,

as well as a tax extender package that makes

permanent an accelerated write-off by smaller

businesses of equipment newly placed into

service, and extends the bonus depreciation,

for three years at the 50% level, and then for

two more, at 40% and 30%, respectively. Both

provisions were extended retroactively, back to

the beginning of 2015. The 50-cent a gallon fuel

excise tax credit for propane used in forklifts has

been extended retroactively for two years—that

is, for calendar 2015 and 2016—as has the tax

credit for biodiesel blenders.

On the regulatory front, after more than a year

of ATA advocacy, FMCSA cut the random

testing for drugs in half to 25% annually, issued

a final Electronic Logging Device rule with a

two-year implementation plan, and issued a final

driver coercion rule. With ATA’s strong support,

NHTSA issued a final electronic stability control

rule and EPA and NHTSA issued a proposed

rule on Phase 2 Truck Fuel Efficiency standards,

to which ATA filed extensive comments.

ATA was integral and supportive in all of those

pro-trucking and pro-safety actions. Our

success however was a team effort with our state

trucking association and federation partners,

and you, our membership.

In January we selected 19 new America’s Road

Team Captains that joined the other veteran

Captains to educate the motoring public, our

policy makers and the media on our vital and

safe industry. Our Share the Road program

reached millions of motorists this year and

continues to grow. In October we graduated our

second LEAD ATA class and inducted a new

class of our future leaders.

We learned that the industry’s efforts to improve

safety on our highways is working and we are

safer than we have ever been. The fatality rate

involving large truck crashes has plummeted

39.2% over the past decade. As we all know

there is still work to be done, and one accident

or fatality is one too many, but because of our

efforts, our highways are safer, even as our

trucks deliver more goods all across our nation.

During the year we recognized many of our

members and partners, from National Truck

Driving Champions to TMC SuperTech winners

to James Hylan Grise of Walmart as our

National Driver of the Year. We recognized a

number of fleets, safety professionals and the

Colorado Motor Carriers Association during

the recent ATA Safety, Security and Human

Resources Conference, and during our annual

MCE meeting we recognized our Mike Russell

Trucking Industry Image Award winners, our

state trucking association members for their

years of service, John Esparza from Texas with

our TAEC Leadership Award and our advocacy

award winners.

ATRI continued to deliver excellent data and

analysis on the industry’s most important issues.

Among the ATRI research making headlines

this year: a study that quantified the impact of

non-preventable crashes on CSA scores; another

that documented the operational and safety

impacts resulting from the 34-hour restart

provisions; and, the release of ATRI’s annual list

of top freight bottlenecks. ATRI also examined