California Lodging News
www.calodging.comEvery year the directors of
CH&LA Education Foundation are given
one or two prescreened and well qualified
candidates to interview for an opportunity to
be selected for a cash scholarship to assist in
furthering their hospitality education. After
we interview, meet as a group, and award the
scholarships we seldom have a chance to again
meet or follow the careers of the recepients.
I had the honor of interviewing Casey Teague
by telephone in 2015 and after the interview I
recommended Casey for a scholarship which
the CH&LA Educational Foundation granted.
Casey has an interesting resume—foodserver,
busser, customer service representative, US
Air Force Active Duty and Reserves for ten
years, and then a unique career move—a
manager of a property simulation at a W Hotel
to a Rooms Division Externship at a St. Regis
Hotel. He received his B.S. in Hospitality and
Tourism Management from San Diego State
in 2015 and then the “interview” and the
Jump forward a year. Casey is now the
Assistant Front Desk Manager at the world
famous Palace Hotel San Francisco. As Jon
Kimball, GM, Palace Hotel says “Casey is a
tremendous part of the Palace team. It is just
so exciting to see him excel, grow and take on
additional responsibilities. He is passionate
about exceeding our guests and associates ex-
pectations every day. Casey has a great career
path ahead of him in our industry.”
Casey and I met in the iconic Garden Court.
He was every bit as enthusiastic and pas-
sionate about the industry as he was when I
first interviewed him. He has the responsibili-
ties for managing 80 employees, 3 managers,
and interacting with 3 labor unions. Working
nights as the MOD, understanding the high
employee turnover rate in the SF Bay Area,
understanding industry survival, and never
saying “it’s not my job,” and seeking experi-
ence and knowledge, as he explains, are the
path to a viable and rewarding career in the
hospitality industry. It is rewarding to see that
the scholarships that the CH&LA Education
Foundation awards allow our recipients to
achieve success.
My colleagues on the CH&LA Education
Foundation Board of Directors have similar
success stories. Each of them interviews one or
two student applicants a year and spends many
unpaid hours at meetings and interviewing
as their way of “giving back” to the industry.
That’s what we do and why we do it.
CH&LA Education Foundation
What Do We Do? Why Do We Do It?
By Elliot Katz, “Mr. Coffee,” Consultant, Peerless Coffee & Tea
The CH&LA Education
Foundation scholarship
program is supported through
donors, and the annual Grow
Hospitality Auction, held
online each fall. For more
information, please contact
CH&LA’s Education Director,
Susan Ragatz, 916-554-2678,
[email protected].