ABC-SEMI Issue 2 2019

16 Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. POL ITICS State Representative Pamela Hornberger (R-Chesterfield Twp.) represents the 32nd District and includes portions of Macomb and St. Clair Counties. Rep. Hornberger serves as the chairwoman for the House Education Committee and is a member of the Elections and Ethics, and Health Policy committees. Prior to joining the legislature, Rep. Hornberger was a teacher in the East China School District for 23 years. Rep. Hornberger visited the Associated Builders and Contractors of Southeastern Michigan (ABC SEMI) and the Southeast Michigan Construction Academy (SEMCA) to discuss the changing landscape of skilled trades training: ABC SEMI: What has been the most rewarding aspect of being an elected official? Rep. Hornberger: The first and most rewarding thing is that I get the opportunity to help people. I also enjoy that my day is something different. I am constantly interacting with new people like ABC SEMI. I would have never had this type of opportunity in the past. ABC SEMI: Currently, what is the biggest challenge facing this legislature? Rep. Hornberger: An overarching challenge is going to be accomplishing things in a bi-partisan manner. As the chairwoman of the House Education committee, a policy challenge will be allocating money properly, specifically, that money is directed towards the classroom. It is imperative that we spend money on things that matter. For example, it is mandated that all children are reading at a third-grade level by the end of third-grade, but many are not. Money should be spent on things like making sure our children are literate. ABC SEMI: The Southeast Michigan Construction Academy or the education affiliate of ABC SEMI is a DOL accredited trade school. Trade schools and non- traditional post-secondary education have become mainstream in political rhetoric. What is your perspective on this alternative and what role do policy makers have in this discussion? Rep. Hornberger: It is crucial that we provide as many options for post- secondary learning as possible. By providing more options this will increase job opportunities that will help provide income for families and help grow our economy. ABC s OF POLITICS Q&A WITH STATE REPRESENTATIVE PAMELA HORNBERGER the