NCLM Southern City Volume 71, Issue 2, 2021

SOUTHERN CITY QUARTER 2 2021 10 In Memoriam her automobile. “Who rides around with extra leashes and stuff in her car?” Webb said with a fond laugh. “That’s how I got the dog I have now,” she added. Webb and others also recalled the sense of humor Kelli weaved through her personal and professional life—even partly responsible for embedding an actor, dressed as William Wallace from Brave- heart, complete with the kilt and battle paint, into certain League programming. Others recalled how she could round a corner at the Legislative Building and lob a quick-witted joke into a group of conversing lobbyists and coolly walk away from the explosion of laughter. Kelli continued with the League until moving on to Duke Energy as its Director of Government Affairs in 2013, serving in that role for more than six years before rejoining the League in mid-2019 as its Learning and Development Strategist. Due to her health, she eventually directed full focus to her family and close friends. “My husband, John, has endured so much, more than anyone will ever know,” Kelli wrote. “But he has not missed a beat in caring for me and for our kids. I am so proud of the father and husband he is. I will sure be busy lobbying God on an easy, fun next season of life for my best guy.” She was first diagnosed with stage-three cancer in 2004, when her children—Katelin Elisabeth and John Cole—were 6 and 3, respectively. “I prayed every single night for years that I could get 10 years out from diagnosis, to try to get the kids ‘mostly’ raised so that the impact on them would be lessened. As I write this, they are 23 and 20.” “Memories of her zest for life and positive energy will continue to inspire us to learn and grow, so we can become the best versions of ourselves,” Meyer said. Said Kelli, “More love always heals. That’s what a long goodbye has taught me. That love always always always outweighs the sorrow.” The hearts and minds of everyone at the League will always be with Kelli and her family. continued from page 9