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New Mexico Dental Journal, Spring 2015



MPLC Umbrella License


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: We are a private dental practice.

Do we still need a public perfor-

mance license?

A: Yes. Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright

Act § 101 defines public to mean “a

place open to the public or at any

place where a substantial number of

persons outside of a normal circle of

a family and its social acquaintances

is gathered…” Additionally, according

to Senate Report No. 94-473, p.

60, “performances in ‘semipublic’

places such as clubs, lodges, facto-

ries, summer camps and schools

are ‘public performances’ subject to

copyright control.”

Q: We are a non-profit dental prac-

tice. Do we still need a public

performance license?

A: Yes. The U.S. Copyright Act applies

equally to non-profit organizations

and for-profit businesses, regardless

of whether an admission or other fee

is charged.

Q: We own the video. Do we still

need a license to view or show it

in our practice?

A: Yes. The location requires a license

regardless of who owns the video

(“video” is defined herein to mean

motion pictures and other audiovi-

sual programs intended for personal,

private use only). While you may

own the actual video, you are not

granted the right to perform it in

your practice.

Q: We have a Netf li x account.

Do we need a license?

A: Yes. Netflix is limited to the custom-

er’s personal and non-commercial

use only. The Umbrella License

allows the public performance of

video from all legal formats whether

rented or purchased via stream or


Q: We received a legal letter from

the MPLC. Why?

A: The MPLC has over 10,000 field

representatives who investigate

copyright violations. If you received

a legal letter, a report was filed that

there are unlicensed exhibitions at

your office.

Q: We have a DVD player in our

recept ion area , but do not

provide any movies. However,

patients sometimes bring in their

own movies. Do we still need a


A: Yes. If you allow patients to bring

in their own video to watch, your

practice can be held as a contribu-

tory infringer simply by providing

the means to watch a movie on your


Q: We only provide the iPads or

other devices for patients to select

programs via Netflix, etc. Do we

still need a license?

A: Yes. You are providing the hardware

and the content to enable the perfor-

mance. However, if your patients use

their own device and content, then a

license is not required.

Q: We purcha sed the Cinema

ProMed system. Do we still need

a license?

A: Yes. Since you are providing the

hardware and the video, a license is


Q: We have cable TV. Do we still

need a license?

A: It depends. There is no need for an

MPLC license for basic cable chan-

nels. However, a license is required

for any non-advertiser supported,

premium, or pay per view channels

and programs.

Q: Can we show Public Domain or

educational titles that include the

performance rights?

A: Yes. However, Public Domain titles

are very old and difficult to obtain

and virtually all educational titles

are only for sale to non-profit educa-

tional institutions, such as schools.

Q: Does the license cover our entire


A: Yes. The Umbrella License allows

unlimited exhibitions in any room

in your office. However, large clinics

with several shared reception areas

may be licensed as separate locations.

Q: Doe s the MPLC prov ide a

discount for licensing multiple


A: Yes. The MPLC provides an econ-

omies of scale discount to ADA

members licensing two or more

office locations.

Do You Have a License For That?
