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How Do We Prevent Decay?,


The Silver Bullets

The new “Silver Bullet” products:

Silver Nitrate

(AgNO3) with fluoride

varnish or under sealants and


Diamine Fluoride

are well-known

silver compounds with antimicro-

bial effects for the prevention and

treatment of infections including

dental caries. Over a thousand years

ago silver bowls were instrumental

in making water potable. Silver

nitrate and silver foil are used for

the prevention and treatment of

ocular infections in newborns, for

surgical procedures and steriliza-

tion, and more recently dental caries.

These compounds are incorporated

in acute burn coverings, catheter

linings, water purification systems,

silver sutures, and hospital gowns.

There is even a cleaning products

company, Norwex, which has long

used silver compounds in their

cleaning agents and cloths.

Silver diamine f luoride is specifi-

cally formulated for dentists to use

without experiencing the severe

staining of lesions when it sterilizes

and arrests them in pits and on root

caries. Both compounds are capable

of preventing and treating tooth

decay by sterilizing lesions or prepa-

rations and by denaturing dentinal

protein thus arresting active lesions.

You may think of silver nitrate use

in the photographic and explosives

industries and in histology to stain

reticular fibers, proteins and nucleic

acids. It has been used in medicine

as an antiseptic and cauterizing

agent for centuries. Older parents

remember a diluted solution of silver

nitrate dropped into their newborns’

eyes to prevent contraction of gonor-

rhea from the mother before the

widespread use of antibiotics. In

1881, it was used as a cauterizing

agent to remove granulation tissue,

and in 1827, it was used by a British

surgeon to cauterize the wound of

General Sir James Abbott in India

to prevent the onset of rabies from a

mad dog bite. Dentists have used it

to heal oral ulcers. Podiatrists have

used it to kill cells located in the

nail bed, and physicians to cauterize

warts and superficial blood vessels in

the nose to prevent nose bleeds.

There is one really bad side effect,

however. Whatever it comes into

contact with, it stains black (see

photo’s below). So skin, decay, and

countertops turn black from its use.

Argyria occurs from the consumption

of colloidal silver solutions (<1 gm)

not silver nitrate, which turns the

skin and organs a blue-gray color. A

bottle of silver nitrate liquid can be

obtained from any dental products

company for less than $100.



See references on page 40
