WVFA Winter 2018-19

I N D U S T R Y N E W S 10 West Virginia Forestry Association Mountain State Forestry  | Winter 2018–2019 www.wvfa.org One of the biggest challenges in the timber industry is to undergo transformations that are effective and that make processes more efficient and profitable. We know that such an old activity is subject to resistance when it comes to change and that even the words “modernization” and “technology” make the most skeptical shivers. However, the modernization of production processes is transformative and necessary for the industry to continue to grow in times of high demand and competitiveness. To be guided by, let’s say, old means to meet a population that demands a ever-increasing quantity and quality is almost certain that production and profitability will be moving in the opposite direction. But then, why is it so important to modernize these processes that we are so used to? 1. Environmental awareness Those who work in the timber industry know that environmental awareness was not one of the great flags raised in the past decades. Nowadays, all matters related to the environment, which also imply in timber production, show that production needs and must be more sustainable, after all, since there are very high demands around the world require a more conscious use of resources—even if they are renewable. From cutting to the end product, the smart use of paper, plastic and energy become indispensable both to cheapen production and to meet the demands of reducing irresponsible use of resources. Why is it important to modernize processes in the timber industry? News by Rachel Di Giuseppe, Timberter