WVFA Winter 2018-19

I N D U S T R Y N E W S 6 West Virginia Forestry Association Mountain State Forestry  | Winter 2018–2019 www.wvfa.org Christiansen Named Forest Service Chief VICKI CHRISTIANSEN HAS BEEN APPOINTED TO SERVE as the 19th Chief of the USDA Forest Service, in which she has been serving in the interim position since March. The announcement was made by the Secretary USDA Sonny Perdue. Secretary Perdue also appointed Jim Hubbard as USDA Undersecretary for Natural Resources and the Environment. New WVFA Officers Elected At the October 18 WVFA Board of Directors meeting, new Association officers and Executive Committee members were elected as follows: President: Curt Hassler, Balkentier Consulting First Vice President: John Holstine, Holstine Consulting, LLC Second Vice President: Casey Olcsak, Weyerhaeuser Timberland Secretary/ Treasurer: Rick Dearing, Pardee Land Company Executive Committee: Rick Gallagher, Robinson McElwee, PLLC Executive Committee: Gary Young, Landowner Executive Committee: Joe McNeel, Appalachian Hardwood Center DOF Director Speaks at FMRC ON SEPTEMBER 18, BARRY COOK , Director of the WV Division of Forestry (DOF), gave a presentation to the WV Legislature’s Forest Management Review Commission (FMRC). Director Cook spoke about the China Tariff situation, “first responder” designation for DOF Staff, and gave an overview of WV loggers’ workers’ compensation coverage. The FMRC heard that 50 percent of WV hardwoods have been going to China. But, the Chinese reaction to the Administration’s position on increased tariffs have already affected hardwood sales statewide. The forest products industry in WV is quickly approaching the low levels of the Great Recession, as asserted. Complicating the situation, China is insisting on more strenuous enforcement of fumigation rules. The silver-lining, here, is that WV is the world’s woodbasket for hardwoods. Our forests have been well managed and our growth rates far exceeds harvests.