PLSO The Oregon Surveyor Sept/Oct 2020
5 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | From the PLSO Office Conference One of PLSO’s most active groups, this committee is chaired by Jered McGrath. Thesemembers plan the seminar program- ming and other valuable activities with the assistance of the Executive Secretary at the Annual Conference. Her request was to change to the highlighted text: One of PLSO’smost activegroups, this committee is chaired by JeredMcGrath. Thesemembers plan the seminar programming and other valuable activitieswith the assistance of the Executive Secretary at the Annual Confer- ence. New ideas are always welcome, and this group is currently working on a virtu - al experience of our conference. Save the date for January 21–22 and January 28–29! Education & Outreach LeeSpurgeonhas runthis committeemostly onhis own, while recruiting people to assist when needed. It focuses on promoting the profession to students as well as recom- mending appropriate outreach partners in the professional community. A big project of Lee’s is the Mentorship program. He is looking to step down from the committee next year and would certainly appreciate someone interested in taking over this role. Financial Kelly Miller serves as the Chairman and reads monthly financial reports from the Executive Secretary, ensuring PLSO iswork- ing to stay true to its fiscal budget approved by the Board of Directors. Legislative Currently led by David Williams, this com- mittee considers all matters of legislation affecting the land surveying profession on the local, state, or national level. This com- mittee works with PLSO Lobbyist Darrell Fuller, who often coordinates with NSPS. Each chapter should have a representative. Membership GaryAndersonhasservedonthiscommittee for several years and would like someone that is ready to take over. This commit- tee works with the Executive Secretary in researching appropriatemembership ben- efits and membership renewals. Publications The duties of the Publications Committee are topublish TheOregon Surveyor as direct- ed, and to issueother official publications as directed. The committeeworks on sourcing materials for this bi-monthlymagazine and offering opinion where needed. Pat Gay - lord is serving as our Interim Chair as the committee is being re-organized to assure future success of the magazine. If some- one is interested in taking on this position, please let us know. The Committee Chair serves as the liaison between the commit- tee, content editor, and graphic designer. Steering While officially an ad-hoc led by Shaun Fidler, this group is currentlyworking on re- forming the standing Professional Practices Committee. Rather than an enforcement role that was previously laid out, the Pro- fessional Practices Committee will oversee continuing education and training, coordi- nating efforts with other committees and chapters. Once the Professional Practices Committee Charter has been updated, the Steering Committee will conclude. Scholarship DarenConechairs thiscommitteeandworks on assessing and awarding scholarship applications through the OSAC program each spring. Oregon Young Surveyors Network This group is comprisedof young surveyors andsupporters, dedicatedto thebetterment of the surveying profession inOregon. They work closely with and support the NSPS Young Surveyors Network, but is separat- ed to ensure focus on goals and objectives of PLSO. Leo Litowich heads this group up and I knowhewould appreciate young pro- fessionals being more involved. On a side note, despite confusion in the last edition, Leo officially became anOregon PLS in Au - gust. Congratulations to him! As you can see, we are a busy group and themore hands on deck the better it is for everyone. After all, what you get from an association is directly related to what you put into it. x How to Send Us Your Contributions Please email the editor, Vanessa Salvia, at
[email protected] with submissions. Your submission should: • Be in .doc format. • Send image files separately (not embedded in the document and at the highest resolution available. “high-resolution image” is defined as 300 dpi or better. Larger images are accepted and encouraged). • Give the images some useful name to help place it in context with the article. • Please include the author’s name and credentials (Jane Doe, PLS, for example), and email address or phone number for contact. • Contributors are asked to include a brief biographical note and a photo of themselves, if desired, with their submissions. • Article length can vary, with articles preferably no more than 1,800 words to include space for photos. If your article is longer than that, send it anyway and the editor can help work it out.
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