PLSO The Oregon Surveyor Nov/Dec 2018
6 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 41, No. 6 PLSO Headed to Eugene for the 2019 PLSO Conference From the PLSO Office Aimee McAuliffe PLSO Exec. Secretary As we get closer to the darkest night of the year, I would like to wish you all a very happy holiday season. Take a moment to be grateful for the many good things in your life, spend time with your family and friends and recharge for the New Year. I know I am grateful for all the members of PLSO, for always caring so much about the Oregon land surveying community. I truly feel the passing of time when I see how tall my daughter, Hanna, has grown on the back of our down- stairs closet door marking her various heights, most especially when I noticed that she wrote a little love note calling me “shorty” when she passed me by a hair last month. The other is when it is time to write another column, inviting you to hang out with your professional community at the PLSO Conference. Our 2019ConferenceCommittee has been hard at work creating quality PDH’s, fea- turing local and national speakers alike. We will be welcoming NSPS Executive Director Curt Sumner, national lobbyist John Byrd, and the ever-popular David Doyle fromWashington D.C. Joseph Feni- cle will also be in fromOhio presenting on Ground Penetrating Radar and from Cal- ifornia we will host Sue Ustin who will be discussing Environmental Remote Sens- ing and Evan Page on Water Boundaries and Determining Intent. Our many val- ued local speakers will be presenting on such important topics as 2019 Tax Up- dates, Retirement, Oregon Water Rights, Solar Compass Techniques, Adverse Pos- session and more. Please be sure to visit for
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