The Oregon Surveyor July/August 2018

20 Vol. 41, No. 4 WFPS The Oregon Surveyor | WFPS UPDATE APRIL HIGHLIGHTS & By John V. Thatcher, WFPS Director for PLSO T his article has two goals: to up- date PLSO members on the status of the PLSO Board of Directors’ (BOD) actions regarding continuing participation in WFPS and to pass along highlights of the April 28 WFPS meeting in Albuquerque. At the May 12 BOD meeting in Bend, the chapter representatives reported on their chapters’ stances on the question of PLSO continued participation in WFPS. The result was split down the middle: three chapters were against remaining in WFPS; three chapters were for remaining but reexamining the benefits and keep- ing options on the table; three chapters were either neutral or not in attendance. Two Motions Were Passed 1. Continue participation in WFPS while WFPS Director Thatcher and PLSO Board Chair Pat Gaylord work with the WFPS Board to effect changes that will result in more significant benefit to PLSO and revisit the issue in November. 2. Send Thatcher to the next meeting with a mandate to push for the desired changes. Breaking News The next WFPS Board Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 13, in Honolulu. The meeting will be preceded by a four hour Continuing Education Workshop and a Hawaii Land Surveyors Association (HLSA) Gala on Friday. TheWestern Federation of Professional Surveyors (WFPS) held a Board of Directors meeting on April 28, 2018 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.