PAGD Keystone Explorer Summer 2020

Keystone Explorer |  Summer 2020  3 my hands. My constant need and desire for control has admittedly left me feeling disappointed more than once in my life. I have realized my need to give up control at times and while in my heart I always believe Thy will be done, I still wrestle with the idea of not being able to manage all aspects of my life. I think many dentists share the same sentiments. Yet by nature of our career choice and dealing with humans and their teeth, I recognize that I am pushed beyond my comfort zone time and time again as the situation is not always perfect nor do I always have the level of control I desire. I am so grateful for the growth that dentistry, my leadership positions in my past and present, and certainly this presidency have brought me. There is nothing quite like a pandemic to teach you that you do not always have control. I will continue to work on my one word for 2020 as we pioneer through this COVID-19 recovery and any other challenges we may face as a profession and organization going forward. I will also continue to serve the members of the PAGD to the best of my ability throughout my presidency and in the future. I look forward to better times ahead, including catching up with many of you at our next PEAK meeting since this year’s PAGD Annual Meeting was one of the many events cancelled due to COVID-19. I once heard, “A smooth sea never made for a skilled sailor.” I try to remember this as I fumble through leading an organization, a team, and any other elements of life where I may be in a position with some, but definitely not total control. I encourage you all to do the same, with one last reminder that if your grace does not extend to yourself, it is incomplete. Together, we will get through this and will regain the control where possible in our lives and offices that we once enjoyed. Best wishes to all and God bless. president’s message | Leigh Jacopetti-Kondraski, DMD President, PAGD