PAGD Keystone Explorer Summer 2020

Keystone Explorer |  Summer 2020  19 advocacy \ hygienists. The board was given the option of waiving licensing exams entirely, postponing, or trying to find a pathway to middle ground. The chair felt that taking the long layoff for dental school graduates into consideration, testing is essential. Dental exams will use a Compedont in place of live patients for certain dentist exam requirements in this examination cycle only. Hygienists will be granted a provisional license until a patient exam can be completed. DOH Guidance Dr. Matta asked if anything has been changed since the May 8 Department of Health Revised Guidance. April Hutcheson from the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) reported the May 8 guidance is still controlling and is not subject to the Governor’s county-by-county reopening plan. Although it supersedes CDC prohibitions on non-emergency procedures, it does follow CDC and OSHA guidelines for PPE. According to Ms. Hutcheson, the key message communicated in the revised guidance is that it is not intended to signify a return to routine practice as normal because it is not safe. Pennsylvania is still in very early stages of mitigation, and it is endemic to protect Pennsylvania’s overall public health. The DOH intends for care to be provided for patients that have been putting it off. If a dental office is following the CDC and OSHA guidelines regarding PPE, licensees can do certain procedures if necessary. Ms. Hutcheson indicated that guidance is designed to allow for clinical judgement when deciding what can be performed, but in terms of public health, going to a dentist is a risk. The board discussed the confusion that many licensees are reporting due to conflicting interpretations. There was interest expressed on having the SBOD provide communication and work in conjunction with DOH. Commissioner Johnson noted that while the Department of State is distributing the message and DOH is listed as the issuing agency, since it is coming from the Governor’s office, the name on the masthead does not matter and is being produced with a unified voice from all Departments. Board members recommended against membership groups issuing interpretations as there is too much nuance in each interpretation. DOH is working on a fact sheet on the May 8 guidance to clarify further. Linda Straub-Bruce from the Pennsylvania Dental Hygienists Association (PDHA) was asked to address the board. Ms. Straub-Bruce made note of the work done in coalition with PDA, PAGD, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), and the three major dental schools, as well as their independent advocacy. Ms. Straub- Bruce understands that DOH needs to be broad-based and allow for clinical judgement, but PDHA members have demanded clarification. DOH conducted a follow-up to its May 8 revised guidance with a phone conference on May 13, in which the Department of State participated. Recommendations for practice were given and requested to be distributed to membership. PAGD, PDHA, and the Pennsylvania Coalition on Oral Health’s messages were similar. According to Ms. Straub-Bruce, PDA’s message included additional information and interpretation that was not included in the other three. Ms. Straub-Bruce reached out to Dr. Jim Tauberg, President of PDA, and will move forward with a coproduced statement between the two organizations. Ms. Hutcheson noted it was clearly stated in the May 8 guidance that dentistry will not receive PPE from the Commonwealth. It will be up to the individual provider to secure necessary PPE. Dr. Pete Ross from AAPD replied that his organization is not looking for PPE from Commonwealth but have been told by suppliers that they are being directed to sell only to state government. Ms. Hutcheson reported that there is no prohibition for a dental office to purchase PPE and will follow up with suppliers to determine where they are getting that information. Dr. Linda Himmelberger, ADA Trustee, has reported that this used to be the case, but was reversed by FEMA. She suggested that PEMA reach out to regional FEMA to clarify that dental offices can be purchasers. Committee Reports Dr. Matta asked if the Standard of Practice Committee can hear proposals to expand the standard to allow for COVID-19 testing in dental offices. Mr. Johnson indicated that expanding the standard in this matter is not in the authority of the committee, it would have to be escalated to governor’s policy office.