OTA Dispatch Issue 4 2019

16 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch We have an opportunity to show our fellow Oregonians that we understand and embrace what is expected of us. We want to be known as the premier transportation agency—and our reputation should be that “We Deliver.” CHALLENGES As the trucking industry knows well, the strong population and economic growth in our metro region is causing significant congestion that we need to attack with a comprehensive, multimodal approach— everything from addressing our major bottlenecks, to more efficiently operating our highways with intelligent transportation systems and innovative approaches, to using pricing to manage demand and pay for bottleneck relief, to more transportation options. The other key challenge I see is sustainable funding for transportation. As we decarbonize the transportation system and passenger vehicles become more efficient, we project revenues will plateau and then decline. That will greatly impact our ability to maintain and improve our roads. A BETTER RELATIONSHIP WITH ODOT Just as I say to everyone, stay engaged with the agency and continue to bring forth your candor and good intent as you have. We work closely with the trucking industry to ensure their voluntary compliance with state and federal laws, and we strive to provide strong customer service for permits and our revenue collection efforts. In order to accomplish both of these goals, we need to hear the industry’s voice. Earlier this year, Amy Ramsdell, our Motor Carrier Transportation Division Administrator, and I started a series of regular meetings with OTA staff to make sure that we are coordinating effectively with you. We are not always going to agree, but we need to have an open door and an ongoing dialogue to make sure we listen to the industry before making decisions that affect your livelihood.  Kris Strickler, cont.