OTA Dispatch Issue 1, 2019

Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. 24 Oregon Truck Dispatch OTA News NEWS Ongoing Carrier Education Although some of our carrier members have been in operation for many years, especially family-owned businesses, there are also plenty of individuals looking to get into the trucking industry. OTA receives frequent calls from the public. Some individuals are completely new to trucking, and don’t know where to start. Some have decided to switch from working for a trucking company to becoming an owner- operator. And, some are already in operation, but haven’t had full training to make sure they’re in full compliance. That’s where OTA’s new Carrier Education Program comes in. With help from OTA’s Gregg Dal Ponte, we’ve developed a curriculum to help carriers in any phase in the business cycle operate their business. Visit our events page for upcoming dates www.ortrucking.org/events. Member Portal Company Profile Do you transport food, livestock, lumber products, heavy machinery, raw goods, or a mix of products? We want to know what you haul! It would help us structure our training and to help us promote the importance of trucking in the public eye. Log into our Member Portal to update your company description and keywords at www.ortrucking.org/login. Annual Report Sometime in late December or early January our members should have received a copy of our first ever Annual Report. Because OTA operates with a very small staff, it’s often challenging to keep track of all the projects we are working on for our members. The report should provide you with an overview of events and training classes we organized throughout the year, how we’re communicating with our members, how we’re involved in government affairs, and all the changes and new benefits we launched to help our members succeed. As it turns out, we accomplished quite a bit! Please contact us for an additional copy at [email protected] .