OHCA The Oregon Caregiver Fall Winter 2020

www.ohca.com FALL/WINTER 2020 The Oregon Caregiver 13 FEATURE blanket of haze on top of the uncertainty of an ongoing pandemic. “It speaks volumes to the big hearts caregivers have and their dedication on and off the job to their clients,” said Forsberg. “Helping Hands is so thankful to have such wonderful human beings working for our company. Thank you for all that you do.” The wildfires may have decimated the towns and homes of caregivers and residents across Oregon, but caregivers have risen out of the ashes, selflessly, putting aside their own grief for the well-being of the people in their care. Their passion for their jobs and the sacrifices they are willing to make for their residents and colleagues epitomize heroism and are great indictors of the type of people who families have entrusted to care for their loved ones. “It speaks volumes to the big hearts caregivers have and their dedication on and off the job to their clients.” – Andrea Hart The photo on top shows the Otis Dove family's home before the fire. The picture below shows what's now left of it. Dovehadto leavehersecondcarbehindwhilesheevacuated. Hart’s cattle survived, but her chickens on her farmwere killed.