NAFCU Journal May June 2021
5 THE NAFCU JOURNAL May–June 2021 DIRECTORS Debra Schwartz, Chair Mission FCU (Calif.) Thomas W. DeWitt, Vice Chair State Farm FCU (Ill.) Gary A. Grinnell, Treasurer Corning FCU (N.Y.) Brian T. Schools, Secretary Chartway FCU (Va.) Karen C. Harbin Commonwealth CU (Ky.) Melanie Kennedy Southwest Financial FCU (Texas) James A. Kenyon Whitefish CU (Mont.) Lonnie Nicholson EECU (Texas) Jan N. Roche State Department FCU (Va.) Lisa A. Schlehuber Elements Financial FCU (Ind.) Keith Sultemeier Kinecta FCU (Calif.) EXECUTIVE STAFF B. Dan Berger President/CEO Anthony Demangone Executive Vice President/COO Carrie R. Hunt Executive Vice President of Government Affairs and General Counsel Randy Salser President of NAFCU Services Corporation Marisol Garibay Vice President of Communications and Media Relations MAGAZINE STAFF Cassie Blake Editor LLM Publications Editorial Services and Design ADVERTISING
[email protected] National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions | Your Direct Connection to Federal Advocacy, Education & Compliance National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions | Your Direct Connection to Federal Advocacy, Education & Compliance National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions | Your Direct Connection to Federal Advocacy, Education & Compliance CONFERENCES 2021 Calendar of Events Summer 2021 BSA School Louisville, KY or Virtual Summer Regulatory Compliance School Louisville, KY or Virtual Fall 2021 Congressional Caucus Washington, D.C. or Virtual Risk Management Seminar Louisville, KY or Virtual Regulatory Compliance Seminar Louisville, KY or Virtual Management and Leadership Institute Annapolis, MD or Virtual Winter 2021 Lending Conference Greenville, SC or Virtual CFO Summit In-person or Virtual For more information about NAFCU’s conferences, go to Looking for more educational opportunities? NAFCU’s Online Training Center has been redesigned to give credit union professionals easier access to the association’s training programs and library of webinars. For information and the current schedule of upcoming webinars, visit onlinetraining . Topics and dates subject to change.
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