February March 2018

Colorado Nursery & Greenhouse Association 959 S. Kipling Pky, #200 Lakewood, CO 80226 PRSRT STD U.S.POSTAGE Jefferson City, MO PERMIT 210 New Year, New Website Visit the updated and improved coloradonga.org! To provide you with the most benefit, the CNGA website has been completely revamped and has many new features! New directory: Check your profile to ensure the information is accurate and add a picture! The search function is much easier to use and find your colleagues. Visit the Events page to see all of the events we have planned, and register online for all events and programs (including certification)! Pay your invoices online. Use the quick links to access the most requested information and pages. Login and check out the Member Center to remind yourself of all of our benefits. We now accept American Express cards as a payment.