ABC-SEMI Issue 4, 2020

6 SAFETY Associated Builders and Contractors of Southeastern Michigan Announces 2020 Safety Committee ABC SEMI announced the formation of their new Safety Committee. This committee will provide information and oversight on what best practices can be implemented for safety on the job site and at work for ABC SEMI members. The chapter is still looking to add some additional companies to the group. In addition, they will help the ABC Safety Director, Kim Gamet in identifying safety related training for members that will increase their safety rating and help them ensure their employees go home safe each night. “I firmly believe that no injury on the job is unavoidable,” said Gamet. “With proper training, planning, and oversight our members can and must ensure that employee safety is priority one. This starts from the top down… simply signing up for ABC’s STEP program, our self-evaluated safety program, will go miles to making your safety culture stronger at your company.” According to Gamet the committee will meet regularly to cover the changing requirements of COVID-19 on the job and other safety factors that can cause injury or death at work. “We had our first meeting on July 31 and will be meeting monthly to discuss changes in rules and regulations regarding safety on the job,” said Gamet. “As well as what we can do to help our member companies continue to deal with COVID-19 and eliminate risk factors on their job sites.” THE 2020 SAFETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dr. Ahmed Al-Bayati, LAWERENCE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Kim Gamet, ABC SEMI SAFETY DIRECTOR Scott McInerney, STERLING INSURANCE Antonio Saenz, DOUGLAS ELECTRIC Rick Sinelli, MERLO CONSTRUCTION Nathan Tipton, RISK PLACEMENT SERVICES, INC. Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.