www.wvfa.org Spring 2022 | West Virginia Forestry Association Mountain State Forestry 5 M E S S A G E F R OM T H E E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R As we complete another legislative session, I am reminded of the challenges to put the complexity of forestry and manufacturing forest products into easily understood messages for legislators and their constituents to understand. Respecting that a legislator must vote on a range of issues, it is very helpful to spend time with each of them to gain their trust that we are both knowledgeable and trustworthy. You are the people we represent, and the range of needs move from forest property taxes, workers’ compensation, roads and bridges, workforce shortfalls, invasive species management, regulatory issues of air, water, endangered species, solid waste, renewable products, and the list builds. We had some big and important legislative goals this year on improving workers’ compensation, dealing with managed timberland property taxes, and preserving the Board of Registration of Foresters. A new issue has emerged related to forest carbon that has legislators discussing what role the public should play in developing policy. If we are successful, we will position the forest owners and industry for the future. You might be surprised how little most legislators know about the forest products industry in our state. With dozens of new legislators elected every two years, it is a process that never ends. The key to building trust and credibility is to be factual, be willing to listen carefully to all perspectives, and to find a pathway that is best for our needs. The best time to talk with a legislator is before a vote on a specific bill of concern. Therefore, when we send an alert, please respond. Please use our messaging points because consistency demonstrates a strong cohesiveness. It is also an election year, so we will be sending out a candidate questionnaire to all the candidates to give them the opportunity to let us know their thoughts on key issues. As we did two years ago, we will post all responses on the website at www.wvfa.org so the public can decide for themselves which candidates are worthy of their vote. Eric Carlson Executive Director “The key to building trust and credibility is to be factual, be willing to listen carefully to all perspectives, and to find a pathway that is best for our needs. The best time to talk with a legislator is before a vote on a specific bill of concern. Therefore, when we send an alert, please respond. Please use our messaging points because consistency demonstrates a strong cohesiveness.”