WVFA Mountain State Forestry Winter 2021-22

F E A T U R E D N E W S www.wvfa.org Winter 2021–22 | West Virginia Forestry Association Mountain State Forestry 15 Deer Creek Project Contains Three Forest Plan Management Prescriptions Management Prescription 3.0 emphasizes the following: ƒ Age class diversity and sustainable timber production ƒ A variety of forest scenery ƒ Habitat for wildlife species tolerant of disturbances, such as deer, grouse, and squirrel ƒ A primarily motorized recreation environment Management Prescription 4.1 emphasizes the following: ƒ Active and passive restoration of spruce and spruce-hardwood communities ƒ Research or administrative studies on spruce restoration ƒ Recovery of threatened and endangered species and other species of concern associated with spruce and spruce- hardwood communities ƒ Management of hardwood communities where spruce is a negligible or absent component ƒ Generally restricted public motorized access and use ƒ A mix of forest products Management Prescription 6.1 emphasizes the following: ƒ A vegetation management strategy that emphasizes sustainable production of mast and other plant species that benefit wildlife ƒ Active restoration of pine-oak and oak-hickory communities ƒ Restricted motorized access and a network of security areas that reduce disturbance to wildlife ƒ A primarily nonmotorized recreational setting ƒ A mix of forest products Little Mountain Inventoried Roadless Area is within the MP 6.1 (Wildlife Habitat Emphasis) area on the western side of the project area. No road may be constructed or reconstructed in this approximately 8,000 acre area unless it meets narrowly-defined criteria in the 2001 Roadless Rule pertaining to safety, ecological restoration, or preexisting rights. Removal of generally small-diameter timber may be allowed when the removal maintains or improves roadless characteristics and improves habitat for threatened, endangered, proposed or sensitive species; or maintains or restores ecological structure, function, or composition to reduce uncharacteristic wildfire effects. The lack of existing infrastructure in this area will provide an opportunity to be creative in managing this piece of land. The scoping period to gather comments on proposed management actions in the Deer Creek Project is anticipated in spring 2022. Project information will be posted as it becomes available at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=60882 . For more information or to get on the project mailing list, contact Amy Albright at [email protected].