WVFA Mountain State Forestry Winter 2020-21

M E S S A G E F R OM T H E E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R to meet 21st century safety requirements. Nanoparticles made from wood are coming of age. The wood preservation business has been using nanoparticles of metals to increase the life of wood in service. Even the facial masks and clothing we wear could be using wood developed into textiles. As new products emerge, businesses will expand and new ones will start up to produce these products. West Virginia must be ready to foster those businesses. We will be working with our federal, state, and local economic development agencies so they better understand the needs of the forest products industry. The needs of a forest products industry are a bit different that others. We have large heavy trucks delivering chips and logs, so we need roads and bridges capable of handling the loads. We need three-phase electric to operate large manufacturing equipment. We need larger buildings that can house this equipment. We need skilled workers that are ready to learn as we train them for new and emerging jobs. Our community college and universities have a critical role in this training and research of new products. All this will be accomplished while we manage this landscape sustainably protecting the future supply, developing habitats for our wildlife, and keeping those streams running crystal clear with cold water for those sought after big trout. We will be featuring articles on people and institutions that are already working on these needs in the next year as we push ahead. We will keep you informed on the new American Hardwood branding campaign that is designed to help our manufactures coalesce using a common tagline, Real American Hardwoods . Stay tuned and let us know when you see an opportunity to showcase the value of forests and forest related businesses in your community. “As new products emerge businesses will expand, and new ones will start up to produce these products. West Virginia must be ready to foster those businesses. We will be working with our federal, state, and local economic development agencies so they better understand the needs of the forest products industry.” www.wvfa.org Winter 2020-2021 | West Virginia Forestry Association Mountain State Forestry 5