WVFA Mountain State Forestry Winter 2020-21

F E A T U R E D N E W S www.wvfa.org Winter 2020-2021 | West Virginia Forestry Association Mountain State Forestry 15 “This project is the first in Monongahela National Forest to be authorized through the Healthy Forests Restoration Act and includes a variety of activities to address insect and disease infestations that have resulted in declining forest health across the project area.” Order of Entry Strategy During the Fall of 2019, staff on Monongahela National Forest developed and began implementing a watershed- based order of entry schedule to provide an efficient NEPA review and decision-making process for projects across the Forest. Watersheds were identified and placed on a schedule for review every ten years, with a two-year planning cycle for each project. This strategy will result in moving the forest toward the desired future conditions as laid out in the 2006 Revised Forest Plan. This approach provides opportunities for aligning projects with the interests of partners and other stakeholders. With this strategy, the forest can sustain two large-scale NEPA projects simultaneously, one on each zone. Projects include fully integrated forest management with a comprehensive strategy across programs. Learn more about the order of entry schedule and the Forest Plan: www.fs.usda.gov/detail/mnf/ home/?cid=fseprd699756