VFA Virginia Forests Summer 2024

22 VIRGINIA FORESTS Virginia Forestry Educational Foundation Update The Diminishing Workforce in Forestry By Glen Worrell, VFEF Board of Directors The forestry sector, once a robust and essential part of many local economies, is witnessing a significant challenge in its workforce. This could have significant implications for forest management and economic stability in rural communities. Historically, forestry has been a vital industry, providing raw materials for construction, paper production, and various other goods throughout the Commonwealth. It has also played a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance through sustainable forest management practices. However, in recent years the sector has faced numerous challenges to its workforce. All sectors have been impacted: truck drivers, logging equipment operators, mechanics, foresters, contractors, etc. Certainly, economic factors play a significant role in the decline. The volatility of the timber market, coupled with fluctuating prices and demand, has made forestry a less attractive career option. Many young people are opting for Development for a sustainable workforce begins with youth education and continues to engage with college graduates, young adults, and those seeking new careers.