VFA Virginia Forests Spring 2024

24 VIRGINIA FORESTS When you think of the favorite activities you enjoy as a Tree Farmer who is part of the American Tree Farm System® (ATFS) you may think of time spent on your Tree Farm managing the property, hunting, fishing, or just spending time outdoors with your family and friends. You most likely do not think about the standards you must meet for managing your property as a certified Tree Farm as a fun part of the process. The ATFS Standards of Sustainability are the basis for the entire program and are designed to help Tree Farmers be better stewards of the land. The core principle of the standards is sustainable forest management, which encompasses practices such as having a forest management plan, timely reforestation, protecting threatened and endangered species, and protection of soil and water resources. But the standards are also carefully developed to allow the ATFS certification program to be endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC™). PEFC, an international non-profit, provides a global framework for the sustainable management of forests. It ensures that forests are managed according to rigorous environmental, social, and economic standards. Established in 1999, PEFC has become one of the world’s leading forest certification systems, encompassing millions of hectares of forests across more than 50 countries. Its standards are based on internationally recognized principles that go beyond just environmental concerns. PEFC addresses social aspects such as indigenous rights, worker safety, and community engagement. In our current state of hyper focus on environmental conservation and sustainable practices, certifications like the ATFS and PEFC stand as beacons of responsible forest management. These certifications not only ensure the sustainable management of forests but also promote economic viability and social responsibility within the worldwide forest industry. The ATFS program accomplishes this and is recognized in the U.S., but the endorsement by PEFC provides global recognition for the sustainable forest management conducted by U.S. landowners. To make sure the American Forest Foundation Standards of Sustainability remain up to date, the standards go through a scheduled review every five years. The standards are reviewed and revised by an Independent Standards Review Panel made up of a balanced representation of forest owners, conservation and environmental nongovernmental organizations, science and technological communities, foresters, state and federal governments, and forest industry representatives. After these major reviews/revisions there is follow-up with Tree Farmers and inspectors including training to the newly revised standards. Smaller more frequent adjustments to the standards can also be made by the ATFS Certification Committee. These are often editorial adjustments, but they can also be slight changes to the Performance Measures and Indicators, or changes to the guidance language to help clarify the intent of a standard, performance measure, or indicator. A Closer Look at ATFS Standards By Aaron Plaugher, VTTF Board of Directors “[ATFS and PEFC] certifications not only ensure the sustianable management of forests but also promote economic viability and social responsibility within the worldwide forest industry.”