VFA Virginia Forests Fall 2024

W hat began many sunrises ago as a vision of several forward thinking VFA members has finally come to fruition. We are pleased to announce the official establishment of the Virginia Forestry Foundation (VFF), a Virginia nonstock corporation that will serve as a platform for donors to give to support forestry interests in Virginia. The Articles of Incorporation for the VFF were accepted by the Virginia State Corporation Commission on May 3, 2024, and the first organizational meeting of its Board of Directors was held on May 30, 2024. The VFF acts independently from the VFA, but at the pleasure of the VFA Board of Directors. Virginia Forestry Foundation directors are nominated and elected by the VFA Board, and the Foundation officers are appointed from within their own Board. The VFF Board appointed it’s first officers at the May 30, meeting and I’m excited about and extremely confident in the leadership and wisdom of those officers as they lead the effort to get the VFF off the ground. Michael Harold serves as Chairman, Steven Peter is ViceChairman, Dan Hockenberger is Treasurer, and the Secretary (non-voting) role is filled by the Executive Director of Virginia Forestry Association, which allows this individual to conduct the business of the Foundation between meetings. The purposes and objectives of the Virginia Forestry Foundation include: • To promote widespread knowledge of forestry, the benefits of wood utilization, and the contribution of forestry and the forest products industry to the environmental, economic, and social well-being of Virginia’s citizens • To promote and conduct programs to conserve and enhance Virginia’s forest resources • To promote and conduct educational forestry programs and to assist landowners in the stewardship of their forest resources • To promote programs for increasing the knowledge, proficiency, and advancement of logging and natural resource professionals • To promote and conduct programs to develop a qualified workforce for Virginia’s forest-based businesses • To ensure programs and activities of the Foundation support the charitable goals and objectives of the Virginia Forestry Association On August 8, 2024, the IRS officially determined the Virginia Forestry Foundation’s tax exempt status as a 501(c)(3) public charity where donors may make tax-deductible gifts and contributions. In September, VFA hosted the second annual Forest Leadership Retreat (FLR), and it was an outstanding event for our members (Read a recap of the FLR on page 16.) Much was learned and taken away from Wintergreen Mountain by the attendees, but nothing gave me more optimism for the hope and future of forestry in Virginia as the generosity of the FLR attendees whose donations provided funds for the establishment of the VFF bank account with startup seed money. Attendees pledged more than $11,000, and with an extraordinary gesture of generosity and a commitment to the value and importance of this new Foundation, John Magruder of Three Rivers Forestry matched that amount! We are immensely Chris Harris B PRESIDENT’S COLUMN 3808 Augusta Avenue Richmond, VA 23230-3910 Phone: 804-278-8733 • Fax: 804-278-8774 [email protected] • www.vaforestry.org OFFICERS (2024–2025) President Chris Harris Pinecrest Timber Co. Prince George Vice President and President Elect Jay Phaup Greif Packaging LLC Amherst Treasurer Christina Hager Dominion Energy Richmond Past President Dan Hockenberger Virginia Forest Resources, LLC West Point Interim Executive Director Sonnia Montemayor Ashland EX-OFFICIO OFFICERS Paul Winistorfer Virginia Tech—CNRE Blacksburg Rob Farrell Va. Dept. of Forestry Charlottesville DIRECTORS Term Expiring 2025 Ben Cole Cole Timberland Management LLC Appomattox Laurie Wright Wright Forestry LLC Blackridge Term Expiring 2026 Scott Barrett Virginia Tech Blacksburg Eric Goodman WestRock Clarksville Brian Irvine Roseburg Roanoke Rapids, NC John Reid Forest Resources Mgmt. Aylett Term Expiring 2027 Jason Critzer Gaines & Critzer, Ltd. N. Chesterfield Michael Harold Speyside Bourbon Cooperage, Inc. Harrisonburg John E. Jones, III Central VA Land & Timber Montpelior Steven Peter South Paw Forest Products Inc St Stephens Church Doug Pond Nutrien Solutions S. Chesterfield STAFF Sonnia Montemayor, InterimExecutive Director Chris Frost, Operations Assistant The Virginia Forestry Association, chartered in 1943, is a notfor-profit, non-governmental, privately-supported association of forest landowners, wood product industries and businesses, loggers, foresters, forest use groups, and conservation-minded citizens. New board members are elected annually by mail ballot to all VFA members. Any VFA member may be a candidate for the board. Fall 2024 5 —continued on page 28 The Virginia Forestry Foundation is Born