VFA Virginia Forests Winter 2023

Table of Contents 1
Workforce Development from 10,000 Feet 3
A Year of Promise 5
ForestryWorks® Recruiting the Future of Forestry 6
Talkin' 'bout My (New) Generations: It's Time for a New Paradigm about the Workforce 9
With Purpose and Practice: Connecting Students and Professionals for Careers in Forestry and Natural Resources 12
Hands-on Training and Regional Workforce Development are "Gateway" to Success 15
In-House Workforce Development 17
The Best Job in America 18
The Future is Now 20
Reaching the Next Generation of Conservationists 21
Tree Thieves: Crime and Survival in North America's Woods 22
Making Lifetime Connections Through Forest Land Ownership 23
Wanted: A Few Good Foresters 25
Resource Review 27